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10 Financial Planning Strategies for Studying Abroad

Students look forward to gaining quality education from leading foreign universities. This transition to a new country and exposure to diverse cultures come with a significant cost. The cost of education in foreign countries can be extensive. Thus, financial planning is important for aspiring international students and their parents. Employing smart financial strategies to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience while managing student life on a budget is essential.

In this article, we will explore ten financial planning strategies that will empower you to pursue your dream of studying abroad without breaking the bank.

10 Financial Planning Strategies for International Students

  1. Plan Your Finances in Advance & Make a Budget
  2. The foundation of any successful financial plan is meticulous planning and budgeting. Before embarking on your study abroad journey, sit down with your parents and create a comprehensive financial plan. Take into account tuition fees, accommodation expenses, living costs, travel, and personal expenses. Consider currency exchange rates and inflation to get a realistic picture of your financial needs. Making a budget will help you keep track of your spending and prevent overspending.

  3. Take an Education Loan
  4. Taking an education loan is a common and practical option to finance your international education. Research for education loan in India for study abroad, different financial lenders, compare their interest rates and opt for loans with favourable repayment terms. Many countries offer loans specifically designed for international students. These student loans often have competitive interest rates and flexible repayment options. Remember to borrow only what you genuinely need and be responsible with the borrowed money as delayed payments can lead to bad credit history. To ease the process of taking a loan, you can reach out to the Education loan advisors at ELAN. We provide comprehensive student loan solutions to study abroad aspirants.

  5. Find an Affordable Accommodation Option
  6. Living expenses, especially accommodation costs, can significantly impact your budget. Look for affordable housing options such as university dormitories or shared accommodations with fellow students. Some universities even offer accommodation assistance to international students, which could help cut costs. Additionally, consider living a bit further from the city centre, as rent tends to be more affordable in the suburbs. An affordable accommodation option can massively save money.

  7. Get a Part-Time Job
  8. Taking up a part-time job is an excellent way to earn some extra money while studying abroad. Many countries have provisions for international students to work part-time during their studies. These part-time jobs have decent pay which can be used to manage your living expenses. Jobs on campus or in nearby businesses can provide not only financial support but also valuable work experience. However, make sure to balance work and academics, as your primary focus should be on your studies.

  9. Use Student Discounts & Benefits
  10. Being an international student often comes with perks in the form of discounts on various services and products. Always carry your student ID with you to take advantage of student discounts at restaurants, cinemas, museums, and public transportation. These discounts may seem small individually, but they can add up to significant savings over time.

  11. Utilize Your Health Insurance
  12. Health insurance is a must for international students, as medical expenses can be exorbitant without proper coverage. Familiarize yourself with the health insurance provided by your university or consider purchasing comprehensive health coverage. In case of any medical issues, utilize the insurance benefits to minimize out-of-pocket expenses.

  13. Commute Via Public Transport or On Foot
  14. Transportation costs can pile up, especially if you rely on taxis or ride-sharing services. Instead, opt for public transport, which is generally cheaper and reliable in many countries. Additionally, consider walking or cycling for short distances, not only saving money but also promoting a healthier lifestyle.

  15. Shop During Sales to Minimize Expenses
  16. Retailers frequently offer sales and discounts on various items throughout the year. Be patient with your purchases and wait for sales seasons to buy essentials like clothing, electronics, and study materials. This approach can significantly reduce your overall expenses.

  17. Avoid Eating Out, Cook Your Meals
  18. Eating out at restaurants can be a considerable drain on your finances. Have home-cooked meals and prepare your lunches for the day whenever possible. Cooking can be a fun experience, allowing you to explore new cuisines, cook healthier options and save money simultaneously.

  19. Use Credit Cards Wisely
  20. Credit cards can be a double-edged sword, offering convenience but also the temptation to overspend. If you decide to use a credit card, do so responsibly. Stick to a budget, pay off your balance in full each month, and choose cards with benefits like cashback or travel rewards that align with your needs.

These are some of the strategies that can help you make the most of studying abroad and shape your future positively.

By implementing these ten financial planning strategies, you can pursue your dreams of studying in a foreign country while managing your finances wisely. Remember that discipline, budgeting, and making informed financial choices are key to a successful and enjoyable experience as an international student. With careful planning, you will have an exciting study abroad journey with confidence and peace of mind.

Furthermore, if you are planning to take collateral or non collateral education loan for abroad, then we are at your service. Connect with our team ELAN to get complete assistance for your overseas education loan.


  • Is it possible to study abroad with a restricted budget?

    Yes, it is quite possible to study abroad with a restricted budget if you meticulously plan and have a study budget.

  • Is taking an education loan the right choice?

    Yes, taking an education loan is a common and practical option to finance your international education.

  • Will a part-time job help to manage the expenses?

    Yes, part-time jobs have decent pay which can be used to manage your living expenses.

  • Where can I utilise student discounts?

    Student discounts can be utilised at restaurants, cinemas, museums, and public transportation. Always carry your student ID with you to take advantage of these discounts.

  • Can an international student get a credit card?

    If you have an account in the local bank of your study destination, then you can get a credit card. Make sure that you use it wisely and avoid overspending.


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